Why Use A Broker

At Bay Area Integrity Mortgage our purpose providing the best loan program available for your needs. We are independent and do not work for a one particular lending institution, nor are we tied to just one product line. Since we are unbiased we can search all lending sources and find the best possible rate currently available.

Our skills go beyond shopping for the best availabe financing, we use our expertise to present your loan application in the best possible light in order to obtain optimal financing.


Compare Bay Area Integrity Mortgage with a standard bank

Bay Area Integrity Mortgage

  • No up-front costs prior to loan qualifying 
  • Our specialty is mortgage financing
  • Often easier to qualify
  • Access to multiple lenders and programs
  • Greater accessibility and superior customer service

Standard Bank

  • Required to deal in many unrelated fields and products
  • Stricter qualifying criteria
  • Limited to only one bank's limited loan products and rates
  • Limited hours and by appointment only at the bank

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Call Us: (925) 348-5625

Email Us: Info@BAIMortgage.com


Bay Area Integrity Mortgage, Inc.

Company NMLS #1503219